Wednesday, September 14, 2016

This Little Shake of Mine

This little shake right here... 😍

I often hear that the superfoods shakes I drink are too expensive. But here is how I pay for them at a little over $4 per day...

✅ It feeds me for one meal each day, replacing my groceries or takeout for that meal

✅ I no longer feel the need to drink $4-5 lattes several times per week because my energy levels are up

✅ All the supplements I was taking are ingredients in my shakes so I don't have to buy 5 separate supplements every month, including a multivitamin

✅ I'm not buying bags of chocolate with the intention to have one per day and next thing you know the bag is empty 2 days later because I don't crave the sweets and junk food anymore

✅ Drinking it while running errands prevents me from spending $6-10 on fast food

✅ It keeps me from buying the entire grocery store because I am not running in there hangry

The first month was an investment, but it came with a 30 day money back guarantee if it didn't work for me. Now it just becomes part of my monthly grocery budget.

Isn't your health worth that initial investment?

Ready to get started with Shakeology? Visit My Coach Page to get started now!

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