Ayurveda is a natural healing philosophy with roots in Indian culture, based on early literature from the Vedic period. Over the centuries, ayurvedic practitioners have developed medicinal procedures based on this philosophy.
Ayurveda is based on 5 elements including Ether, Earth, Water, Fire, and Air that compose both the human body and the world around us. These elements are grouped together to create three Doshas. Doshas are important because when they are in balance, the body will be healthy. When they are unbalanced, the body will be out of balance and less healthy.
Ayurvedic theory suggests that each human possesses a unique combination of the doshas and that they define the person’s character and attributes. Think of it as the grandfather philosophy of all of the personality type studies in modern times.
Once you know your dosha, you can begin to help keep yourself in balance through following the aryuvedic principles for proper eating, exercise, meditation, and essential oils.
Pitta Dosha: Associated with the elements of fire and water, pittas are passionate and intense. They have a joyful disposition but they are subject to anger, jealousy, and short tempers when unbalanced. There is often a need to cool off and clarity the mind.
If you are a Pitta type, you may need calming and cooling oils to keep the fire element balanced. Oils such as Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang, and Lavender would be great for cooling and calming. Oils such as Grapefruit, Sweet Orange, and Lavender would be good for a refreshing massage. doTERRA’s Citrus Bliss Blend and Serenity Blend would be perfect for the Pitta type. As well as Lavender single oil. Find your essential oils here.
Vata Dosha: Associated with the elements of ether and air, vata types are quick thinking, thin, and fast moving. They are active and creative and have a natural ability to communicate. When unbalanced, vatas can have high anxiety and fast moving emotions.
If you are the Vata type, you may need oils that help to ground, balance, and warm your dosha. Oils such as basil, cypress, frankincense, geranium, and rosewood will help the vata stay balanced. doTERRA’s Whisper Blend and Balance Blend as well as Geranium single oil would be a good fit for Vata types. Add these oils to your routine.
Kapha Dosha: Associated with the elements of earth and water, kappa types are patient, forgiving and slow to anger. They are loving and become easily attached. When they are unbalanced, kaphas can become lazy or stubborn as well as greedy.
If you are the Kapha type, you may need oils to help help lift and stimulate. Oils such as rosemary, eucalyptus, marjoram, melissa, lemon, peppermint would help you stay balanced. doTERRA has two great blends for the Kapha type. Elevation Blend to lift you up and Breathe Blend to clear the air passages. Grapefruit single oil would also be an excellent to help with balance. All three of these oils can be found here.
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Original content found at Essential Yoga Program.