You are energy.
Chakras, by definition, are energy centers within the human body that help to regulate all its processes, from organ function to the immune system and emotions. The ability for your energy centers to function optimally is what keeps you psychologically, emotionally, physically, and spiritually balanced.
The term chakra is Sanskrit for “wheel." These energy wheels transport life force energy throughout the body to promote balance from the inside out. When these wheels are spinning and distributing energy, you are balanced and healthy. When these chakras are blocked, they are unable to transport energy where it needs to go. (also read: Ayurveda and Essential Oils)
A blocked chakra can show in the form of emotional imbalance, mental problems, illness or physical pain, immune deficiency, and other forms of imbalance.
Balancing the chakras is a process that takes time, concentration, and dedication. You must work from the bottom up - beginning with the Root chakra moving upward and ending with the Crown chakra.
There are many approaches to balancing the chakras including yoga, meditation, acupuncture, and mantra to name a few. Essential oils can prove a powerful catalyst in achieving balance in the chakras. I use dōTERRA Essential Oils because of their purity and potency. All of the essential oils mentioned below can be found here. Learn more about Essential Oils here.
The Root Chakra
Our foundation and feeling of being grounded
- Purpose: Survival, Security, Stability
- Location: Base of spine
- Signs of Imbalance: Fearful, Insecure, Confused, Constipation, Lower back pain - issues with legs, feet, knees, groin, hips, ankles - frequent illness
- Muladhara is the most instinctual of all chakras — it is your survival center.
- Color: Red
- Mantra: I am peaceful, protected and secure
- Essential Oils: Balance Grounding Blend (creates a sense of calm and well-being) Basil, Cedarwood, Cilantro, Myrrh, Patchouli, Vetiver, White Fir, On Guard, AromaTouch
- Apply topically to the bottoms of the feet and sacrum.
The Sacral Chakra
Our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences
- Purpose: Authentic Creation, Soul Fire, Sexuality
- Location: Lower abdomen, slightly below the navel
- Signs of imbalance: Sexual Problems or Dysfunction, Fear of Sexual or Emotional Intimacy, Infidelity, Needy or Wiithdrawn, Disorders of reproductive organs, infertility, urinary system, spleen, gallbladder, kidney, lack of flexibility
- Svadhishthana is the center of your creativity, desire, emotion, sexuality, and intuition.
- Color: Orange
- Mantra: I am radiant, beautiful and strong and enjoy a healthy and passionate life
- Essential oils: Citrus Bliss Invigorating Blend (elevates mood and reduces stress), Black Pepper, Cinnamon, Tangerine, Wild Orange, Bergamot, Clary Sage, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang
- Apply topically below the navel.
The Solar Plexus Chakra
Our ability to be confident and in-control of our lives.
- Purpose: Power, Self Worth, Self Confidence
- Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area, slightly above the navel
- Signs of Imblance: Low self-esteem or arrogance, Egotistical behavior, Feeling abandoned or rejected or feeling the world revolves around you, Difficulty understanding or controlling emotions, Rebellious or too eager to please, Nervous or Stressed out, Addictive behaviors including eating disorders, hypoglycemia, diabetes, eczema, acne, food allergies, chronic fatigue, depression, pancreas, gallbladder, liver issues
- Manipura guides you through life by creating a strong sense of self
- Color: Yellow
- Mantra: I am positively empowered and successful in all my ventures. I do not allow anger and emotions to control my life
- Essential oils: DigestZen (maintains healthy digestive system), Bergamot, Cassia, Clove, Coriander, Fennel, Ginger, Grapefruit, Juniper Berry, Wintergreen, Slim & Sassy, Black Pepper, Cedarwood, Cinnamon, Geranium, Cypress, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Ylang Ylang
- Apply topically below the sternum, above the stomach.
The Heart Chakra
Our ability to love.
- Purpose: Love, Joy, Inner Peace
- Location: Center of chest
- Signs of Imbalance: Unable to Give or Receive Unconditional Love, Selfish, Jealous, Hateful, Grief Stricken, Excessive Loneliness, Depression, Disorders or the heart, lungs, thymus, breasts, arms, premature aging, upper back pain, circulation problems, asthma, immune system deficiency
- Anahata creates vulnerability, anxiety and dependency but also unconditional love and self love
- Color: Green
- Mantra: I give and receive love effortlessly and unconditionally
- Essential oil: Breathe Respiratory Blend (soothes airways and promotes clear breathing), Eucalyptus, Geranium, Lime, Marjoram, Melaleuca, Peppermint, Rose, Thyme, Ylang Ylang, Serenity, Elevation, Lavender, Melissa, Sandalwood
- Apply topically to the center of the chest at heart level.
The Throat Chakra
Our ability to communicate.
- Purpose: Communication, Speaking the Truth, Holdings Secrets
- Location: Center of the Neck/Throat
- Signs of Imblance: Poor Communication Skills, Afraid to Speak Up/Represses Feelings, Uncontrolled Verbal Outbursts, Deceitful, Manipulative, Shy or Talks Excessively, Unable to Listen, Fear of offending others, gossiping, loud or dominating voice, tendency to interrupt
- Vishuddha is also linked to our ability to hear – both physically and intuitively; the connection between our sense of who we are inside and how we represent ourselves out in the world
- Color: Light Sky Blue
- Mantra: My thoughts are positive, and I always express myself truthfully and clearly
- Essential oils: Whisper, Lavender, Oregano, Birch, Basil, Bergamot, Roman Chamomile, Peppermint
- Apply topically to the posterior neck and the base of the occipital ridge
Third Eye Chakra
Our ability to focus on and see the big picture.
- Purpose: Intuition, Imagination, Wisdom, Ability to Think & Make Decisions
- Location: Forehead between the eyes
- Signs of Imbalance: Non-sympathetic/Empathetic, Judgemental, Over Intellectualizing, Lacks Intuition, Lacks Common Sense, Forgetful, Sleep/Dream/Nightmare Issues
- Ajna is the center of balanced intuition, psychic power, and the energies of the spirit
- Color: Deep Dark Blue
- Mantra: I forgive the past and learn what was there for me to learn. I seek to understand and to learn from my life experiences
- Essential oils: Frankincense, Clary Sage, Lemongrass, Immortelle, In Tune, PastTense, Cypress, Helichrysum, Marjoram, Patchouli, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Vetiver
- Apply topically to the middle of the forehead and above the eyebrows.
The Crown Chakra
Our ability to be fully connected spiritually, deeper understanding of ourselves beyond the physical or material.
- Purpose: Cognition, Connections to Spirituality & Higher Self, Life Purpse
- Location: The very top of the head
- Signs of Imbalance: Unspiritual, Feelings of Unbalanced Spirituality, Excessive Fear of Death, Unclear of Life or Spiritual Purpose, Feeling Alone in the Universe or Posessing a God-Complex, Feeling Unloved by or Angry at our Creator, Dementia, autoimmune disorders, epilepsy, coma, amnesia, migraines, brain tumors, cognitive delusions
- Sahasrara is the center for trust, devotion, inspiration, happiness, and positivity
- Color: Violet
- Mantra: I cherish my spirit. I seek experiences that nourish my spirit. I am at peace
- Essential Oils: Frankincense, Helichrysum, Lemon, Melissa, Roman Chamomile, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Zendocrine
- Apply to the crown of the head.
Sources: In Love With Oils, Chakras
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