Monday, May 5, 2014

Spotlight Pose: Mermaid + Yoga Class Sequence

As you may have read in a previous posting, I am in love with Mermaid pose. From the first time I saw it, I knew I had to find my way into it. It took some time, but once I figured out which parts of the body needed more work to get there, it became a bit more simple.

I came up with a sequence that will help warm up the areas of the body that need to be open to get into this lovely pose.

Enjoy & let me know what you think!

Centering: Begin in supported fish (5 minutes)
Roll onto side, remove block and roll onto your back. Feet planted on the mat, knees bent and slip block between knees. Squeeze block, press lower back down onto mat and hold for 8 breaths.
Bring strap under right foot, then straighten leg and flex foot, like you're standing on the ceiling. Hold for 5 breaths then switch.
Come to seat, extend right leg, bend left knee and grab the back of the knee. Begin to make big counterclockwise circles with the lower portion of the leg, loosening & strengthening the knee joint.
Seated hip cradle
Grab bottom of foot in center to release
Half saddle -> Heron -> Twist
Bound angle
Cat/Cow -> Puppy
Surya Namaskar A (3 rounds)
Surya Namaskar B (2 rounds)
Sphinx -> Half frog (8 breaths, then switch sides)
Child's Pose
Wide Forward Fold, bend into one knee then the other, freeing trapped energy
Low Lunge -- bend back knee and grab a hold of the ankle (if you're here, you're not far from Mermaid!)
Mermaid! Make a loop with your strap first and slip it around your ankle, then from Pigeon, bend the back knee and pulley the foot up. If you don't need the strap, skip it, and see if you can bring that foot to the crook of the elbow. Continue the next 3 steps before you move to the other side.
Roll onto side
Couch press bottom hip down and side of foot for balance -> Quad stretch
Bridge w/ divers clasp
Peace & Silence

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