1. Seated meditation in sukhasana (Close eyes, focus only on breath. Tune into body's rhythms and allow your soul to move + dance to the rhythm of your own body)
2. Raise arms 3x with breath, side bends + twists
3. Downward dog
4. Plank 5 breaths
5. DD->Plank 5x
6. Childs
“Our thoughts are like waves and ripples on the sea. When the water is still, we can see the beauty of our own depth. Be still. Find your depth.”7. Tail of dog-> Crescent -> Vinyasa (Repeat 3X)
8. Surya Namaskar A
9. Surya Namaskar B
10. Twisted chair
11. Dancing Warrior Series -> Eagle arms (5 breaths, rest forehead on upper arms, breathe into back of neck) -> Vinyasa + repeat
“Learn how to be still and let life happen. That stillness becomes a radiance.”12. Surya A w/ side plank
13. Triangle -> ½ moon -> Prasarita
14. Build to pyramid, rev. triangle (Vinyasa, repeat other side)
15. Crescent -> W3 -> Revolved ½ moon (Vinyasa, repeat other side)
16. Supta virsana w/ bolster (1-3 minutes)
“When you lose touch with your inner stillness, you lose touch with yourself. When you lose touch with yourself, you can easily lose yourself in the world.”17. Down dog
18. Hop to back -> Knees to chest -> Low back twist
19. Forward fold (Halasana option)
20. Happy baby
21. Savasana
“Stillness does not mean to be in a place with no noise, no trouble, no hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart. In stillness, all conflict must come to an end.”
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