We're slumped over, hunched over, scrunched up over screens and monitors on a daily basis.
The effects of this posture have reared their ugly heads in the forms of stiff neck, tight shoulders, sore back--in short, a new epidemic called "tech neck."
Not only do we feel the effects of our poor form, we're starting to see it as well. Plastic surgeons have reported an alarming raise in neck-lifts.
How about a much more affordable option to keeping the neck, shoulders, and back looking and feeling healthy? Try these yoga moves:
Face Yoga: The Giraffe
In a comfortable seated position, bring your fingertips to your collarbone or the base of your neck and gently stroke downwards--don't pull, just get some traction. Tilt your head back, then pout your lower lip out like a really sad baby. Be sure not to jut the jaw forward, just the lip lip. This stretch firms the neckline and jaw area to prevent sagging. Take 3 deep breaths here, then release.
Chest Opener with Strap
Grab a strap and find a comfortable seat or standing position. Hold strap in front of you with straight arms with palms placed downward and just a bit wider than shoulder width apart. Inhale bring the strap overhead and, keeping arms straight, exhale bring strap all the way behind you. Inhale back up and exhale down in front of you. If that was too easy, shorten distance between hands, if it was too hard, make the distance wider. Repeat for 10 breaths.
Childs Pose with Anjali Mudra Behind Neck
Come to a child's pose and reach arms out in front of you, then join your palms. Bend at the elbows and try to bring the base of the wrists to the back of the neck. This can also be done in a standing position. Hold for 10 breaths.
Wide-Legged Forward Fold with Divers Stretch
Talk about a recharge--this is the go-to pose for any amount of stagnancy or lethargy throughout the day. The forward bend brings fresh, oxygen-rich blood to the head.
With feet wider than hip-width distance and toes pointed forward, join your palms behind you and interlace your fingers to make a fist. Squeeze the arms toward straight and inhale to lift the chest. On the exhale, hinge forward from the hips and fold forward to drop the head. Try to let gravity take the fist away from the body, and keep squeezing those palms together. Hold for 5 breaths, then slightly bend at knees and come up slowly, shaking out the arms and wrists upon standing.
Neck Circles
In a comfortable seated or standing position, relax the jaw and bring the ears in line with the shoulders. Inhale, then exhale and drop the chin down to the chest. Avoid crunching the neck, and keep length in the belly to get the stretch all the way down the spine. Inhale and roll the right ear over the right shoulder then let the head fall back. Exhale and roll over to the left then back to the chest. Allow the length of your breath to determine the length of your movement. If you come across any tight spots, pause, breathe there, then continue on. Make 5 big circles in this direction, then reverse directions and even it out.
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