Monday, March 17, 2014

Spotlight Pose: Supported Partridge

This endless Chicago winter has left my midsection feeling pretty crunched, scrunched, stiff and just sad. When fresh air is not an option, we often end up in squishy furniture, cramped in a stiff car seat, or hunched over a screen to occupy our time.

So it only makes sense that we've been working on side bends a lot during our vinyasa classes, and partridge has got to be one of my favorite side stretches -- not to mention the sheer beauty of the pose itself. Side bends help to free the stiffness in the midsection and create more room to breathe. Partridge can be sort of intimidating, but can also be taught to beginners in a very simple way.

Here's one of my favorite ways to introduce beginners to this relieving bird pose:

Come onto the knees, hips stacked just above and tailbone pointing downward. Take the right leg straight out to the side and plant the foot. 

Come into Gate pose by sliding the right hand down the leg and opening up the left side of the body. Left arm can reach overhead unless it causes the front ribs to jut out, in that case bring the forearm to the lower back. Concentrate on creating space between the left hip bone and the lower ribs. 

Come back to center and look down to your left. Bring your left hand down to plant underneath your shoulder while keeping the lower body in the same position. 

In your Supported Side Plank, elongate the right side of the body by reaching the right arm overhead and turning the palm to face down. 

Bring the right hand to the hip and lift the right foot off the mat, heel extending straight out from the hip. 

Now, bend your right knee and bring the heel as close to the booty as possible.

Grab a hold of the foot and begin to lengthen the foot away from the booty. Use the backward pressure to open the right shoulder and chest. 

If Supported Partridge or any of these kneeling poses are tough on your knees, bring a blanket underneath you or try doubling up your mat for extra padding.

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