The weather is pretty iffy this time of year, can't seem to decide whether it wants to be warm or cold, rain or snow, sunny or cloudy. It can be discouraging to an eager gardener and anxious kids aching for some time at the park.
These changes in barometric pressure also take a toll on our bodies--especially our joints. Personally, my knees feel extra creaky when the weather can't figure out what it wants.
The inner quad muscle is what keeps the knee "lifting" or in a healthy place, and might just help alleviate some of that joint pain.
Here's an hour-long class sequence that targets that area. Enjoy & let me know what you think!
1. Crococdile
2. Childs Pose side stretches
3. Sphinx - lengthen tailbone to heels, squeeze inner thighs together
4. Rabbit - breathe in between shoulder blades
5. Place a rolled-up blanket under knees to find inner quad. You should feel it on the inside edge of the knee cap about an inch or two above the knee. Lengthen out through your heel and find that muscle.Hold for 3 breaths then switch.
6. Virasana with eagle arms, hold each side for 5 breaths then switch
7. Cat/Cow
8. Supported Side Plank - focus on the ball of the planted foot and engage that inner quad to keep knee lifting - let arm fall back and gently look down and relax neck. 5 breaths then switch sides
9. Mountain - close eyes sweep arms up & down, shift balance between feet, feel the lifting of the knees when inner quad is engaged
10. Pyramid - clasp elbows/reverse namaste - bend front knee to come down, slowly straighten dont lock
11. Triangle
12. Low Lunge
13. Plank lower to belly
14. Half Frog on R side
15. Roll onto R side propped up on forearm. L knee bends and plants in front of R knee/thigh area. Flex R foot and lift leg 10X, lifting from inside of leg
16. Vinyasa back to Mountain, repeat 9-15 on L side
17. Boat w/ block squeezing between knees
18. Straddle w/ side bends
19. Eye of the needle/Upside down Piegon - keep foot flexed, 10 breaths then switch sides
20. Knees into chest
21. Bridge w/ block in between knees
22. Twisted Roots
23. Legs up the Wall
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