Life moves so fast sometimes that we really need to make it a point to slow down. Slowing down for even a little while can bring a sense of clarity, calmness, and help to realign both the body and mind.
Yin Yoga is a practice that I admit to neglecting too often, but when I do take the time to practice I find that it's EXACTLY what I've needed.
Here's a lovely Yin sequence that will take you into every part of the body that needs a little help. Enjoy.
- Centering Neck Stretch (5 Minutes): Begin with knees bent, on your back, with a blanket rolled up under your neck. it should be about as thick as a rolled up yoga mat, and the top of the roll should hit right at your occipital ridge. Bend your elbows and place your palms on your forehead, fingertips reaching into your hair toward the crown of the head. Allow this gentle pressure to encourage the neck to soften. Notice any parts of the neck that are resisting and send softness there.
- Shoulder Stretches (3 minutes each side): Reach your left arm up toward the ceiling and grab a hold of the wrist with your right thumb and forefinger. Roll onto your left side and straighten the arms along the ground. If you don't feel much, you can bring your right foot back to the mat and open the knee toward the ceiling for a gentle backward pressure.
- Apanasana/Knees to Chest (1 minute)
- Baddha Konasana (5 minutes): Round back and rest upper body on a bolster, block, or the floor.
- Broken Windshield Wiper (3 minute each side): Come back onto the back and bend the knees, feet planted on the mat. Walk the right foot out about 45 degrees then internally drop the knee so that the inside of the knee comes down to the mat. Be sure to get as close to a right angle in this leg as possible for the best stretch.
- Viparita Karani with strap (1 minute each side): Immediately after broken windshield wiper on the first side, bring the leg back to center and stretch the leg up toward the ceiling. Bring the strap to the bottom of the foot and stretch out through the heel.
- Melting Heart w/ bolster (5 minutes): Come to hands and knees with a blanket under the knees for padding. Bring the knees hip width apart and stack the hips over the knees. Walk the hands forward but keep the hips where they're at. Scoot your bolster close to you and join your palms, then rest your forearms on the bolster and let your head dangle. If this is too intense, remove the bolster and bring hands to the floor.
- Shoelace w/ eagle arms (3 minutes each side)
- Straddle w/ bolster (5 minutes each side)
- Fish w/ bolster (5 minutes): Legs will be stretched long on the mat and bolster will run lengthwise along the spine. Shoulders soften and hands drop to the side, palms up.
- Twisted Roots (3 minutes each side)
- Viparita Karani/Legs up the wall
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