Sunday, October 10, 2010


Wow, 10.10.10... what does the universe have in store for us today??

Stella, one of the yoga instructors here, told me something great today: "We don't call them breakdowns, they're breakthroughs." Yesterday was one of those days. Before dinner we decided to have a gratitude circle. About 10 of us gathered around with a candle in a circle and said something we were grateful for. It was so beautiful, everyone spoke from their heart and said such wonderful things about everyone. I defintiely shed a few tears. Then we went around and said a compliment to the person on our right... Jennifer told me that I was a kind and gentle spirit, which also brought me to tears. We did a lot of sharing and opening up yesterday, I think we all need some guidance in our healing. After sitting in the sauna for a bit, Jory, Katie, Jennifer and I had another sharing circle where we talked about anything and everything. We discussed the difference between confidence and self-love, something which many of us are working on. Right now we are making lists of everything we feel guilty for and burning them, and making lists of things we need to do in order to love ourselves. It's such a great healing process.

Joseph, one of the owners of the resort, brought three little kittens to the resort today to play with us. What a wonderful treat!! Kittens will put a smile on even the coldest person's face.

We are headed out to the beach for class today so I must go off and get prepared.

Pura vida & much love.

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